Our Facilities

Shepperton Studio
Mobile Studio
Bespoke Arrangement

The technical credentials at our new facility on L Stage at Shepperton Studios are very impressive. Utilising a 24m L x 10m W x 7m H capture volume, the studio is equipped with up to 168 Motion Analysis high resolution Eagle cameras. Add to that the impressive ability to pre-visualise all motion capture, with or without virtual goggles, as well as all the home comforts any production could ask for. Production offices for clients, green room, changing and shower facilities.... it’s all covered.

Full Performance Capture

Centroid offers a state of the art full performance capture volume of up to 24m L x 10m W x 7m H, capturing face, body and fingers simultaneously. Our abundance of high-resolution digital cameras will allow us to set-up a flexible configuration meeting the needs of the most demanding projects.

Body Capture

The volume has the capability of capturing 10 performers simultaneously, which is suitable for the most demanding of cutscenes, stunt co-ordination, crowd simulation and sports applications.

Facial Capture

Centroid have a number of facial solutions and can offer bespoke systems for client specific requirements, any of which can capture multiple faces enabling flawless interaction between performers.

Our Services

From Pre-Visualisation to post-production, ensuring your data is secure and a smooth process on all projects we undertake, we are able to provide many different services.

Check out the services we can offer.